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(2 edits)

Hey this looks really cool!, although think you forgot to update the images, because I can't find the hearts or the cursor.

Thanks a lot!

I've used it in this game!


Oh yeah I must've forgotten to save the images since I couldn't find the hearts or the cursor, cursor and hearts are in the images now.


Thank you for sharing this asset with the community :)

I really liked it.

I want to use it in one of my projects if it's okay with you. I am not sure if it will be commercial or not, but I will definitely credit you. I couldn't see any information about the license, so I wanted to ask if it's okay for me to do that.

I will use it for now, it's one of the best ones here. If you forbid me from using the set, please write back.

Sorry, I am blind :D I didn't see the whole information there :D

No problem.

Sorry I couldn't respond i was busy.

Hope you create something good :D